Celebrating Success in the 24 Peaks Challenge!

Dear Friends, & Partners,

This is a short note to thank you again for your kind and generous support. Last weekend, twelve hikers representing Carisbrooke Shipping took on the 24 Peaks Challenge in the hilly Lake District, raising over £16,500 in total for The Seafarers’ Charity and Stella Maris. Ca GBP 100K was raised in total for Seafarers by the 153 walkers taking part in this years’ Challenge representing many international maritime companies.

Most of the Carisbrooke team were first time Peakers, barely knowing what they signed up for. They were guided by some more experienced 24 Peakers, with Robert Wester participating for the 11th time (or perhaps more!). The Challenge involves 33 miles (53 km) of walking and 13,000ft (about 4,000 m) of ascent, with the target to complete this in 24 hours or less.

Starting in the sun at 6am alongside the picturesque Lake Buttermere on Day 1, conditions changed gradually from clear sun to, mist to rain, to hail and sleet by the time the team reached peak nr 7, Scafell Pike, England’s highest point at 978m. No sweeping views at the top and hurrying along to make the cut off times. Day 2 involved yet another early start, covering fourteen peaks from Red Screes through to Great Dodd. A somewhat ‘easier’ day though still 5,639 ft (1700m) to climb (again), and descend down (even more). Luckily conditions were more favourable than day one, with the sun coming out towards the finish to welcome us home.

Despite the pain and aches of the previous day, the Carisbrooke team endured, and crossed the finish line around 3 pm. winding down with refreshing rehydrating drinks and a dip in Lake Windermere, before embarking on the celebratory cruise.

At the time of writing the full result list has not yet been published. This year we were not quite able to defend last years’ fastest team title, which this year was won by Braemar (well done!). Team captain Robert Wester was awarded the prize for the biggest individual fundraiser, generating much needed funds to support seafarers in need, and their families.

Though the challenge proved tough, most importantly we comfortably exceeded last years’ funding level for the Charity and Stella Maris, for which we are extremely grateful to our supporters for your generous donations.

A special thanks to Capt. Simon Merritt for driving us around confidently in the Scout minibus (sometimes with some extra ‘horse power’ help from the walkers), and also for providing sage and wise advice having completed the Peaks 10 times himself.

A massive thank you again to all who have supported our fundraising efforts in aide of these worthy causes.

Thank you, and well done on behalf of Team Carisbrooke!

Beverly, Becky, Kerstin, Alex, Emile, Jonathan, Hannes, Robert H., Vitalii, Capt. Krysz, Capt. Simon, Helen, & Robert W.